the music business sucks.
okay, so i can't say that from personal experience, but i can tell you that i'm frustrated seeing extremely talented musicians working a day job, sometimes a night job too, to live. they live that way because they love music and will do what they need to in order to do what they love. mad respect for that. my issue: the non-talented, everyone-sounds-the-same, i'm-blowing-my-cash, no-hearted, i've-got-a-record-deal 'talent' that have gotten record deals or "made it big" (hate that phrase) for whatever reason.
now with the way things are, anyone can get their stuff on a cd and distributed. thats do-able change. but touring, promo and merch... thats a lot of pocket lint. and a lot of times, you cant give up that day (and night) job to do all that yourself no matter how much you try. how does it change? can it change without a money-grubbing-untrustworthy-deeppocket label? so what do you do to get noticed sans label? why are some of the most talented individuals i've met in a long time not getting picked up? its not for lack of effort. its not for lack of talent. its not for lack of contacts. is it because they don't have a 'niche?'
it frustrates me because i listen to the radio and nothing stands out. its beginning to sound like the teacher off the peanuts cartoons. whahwhamwhaaaaaaaawhah. it frustrates me because i know that cats like dave borla and chris scianni (dangerman / the secret resistance) and rusty redenbacher (mudkids / lazarus) have talent everyone should get an earful of. thats just to name a few. the music. the vocals. the heart. the loyalty. the everything. maybe i'm biassed. i dont know. and sure its all in opinion.... but i believe in these guys.
music business as a whole has been whack for a while, then the internet happened, and the whole thing is a struggle and combuzle. radio is no different. more music - less talk. yes, theres more music, but they just have more rotation of the songs that i didnt want to hear in the first place. do that - you may say iPod. i do use it - when i work out or when i travel, sometimes at work. thats how i can listen to talent - that honest to god talent. in my car, its usually radio just in anticipation of hearing something that stands out above the rest.
im sure there is no answer, and not being a musician, i'm not sure why it frustrates me so much. i've covered states to pay that $5 cover to see talent i enjoy. to support. it kills me not to be able to do it for everyone at every show. if you've got something you believe in - something you love to listen to... let me know. send me a link... send me a file... always love to listen to new stuff. any genera.