
as i look

walking across that old dirt floor

knowing not a soul tonight

through the chaos… in front of me

i heard only that one thing

the sound of your laugh… hit my heart

freeing it from fifteen years shut

as i look around the wall

one by one i watch them fall

broken hearts and many tears

of those who wanted you so near

a dance among two strangers

became more than we knew

as we shared our truths… and our dreams

even though we both had others

special were those the nights…upon the checkered tiles

spinning to the tunes of past

as i look around the hall

one by one i feel them fall

the tears upon my face

while you wed the one in lace

thinking that my chance was done

not a day went by i didn't ask why

dancing with another another… i did try

but with every step and every laugh

only did it cause… my soul to ache

for with you i wanted to be

as i look around the town

one by one she let you down

listen is all i could do

being there just for you

through it all we both stood tall

knowing our hearts beat still true

upon the back hill… that special night

i heard only that one thing

the sound of your voice... honest and true

forever to be me and you

as i looked in your eyes

thankful we gave it a try

for in the world of glistening snow

we shared for all those to know

long road we have traveled since then

journeys of a lifetime still to go

the sound of your laugh… still in my heart

wish to have you here with me

forever in your arms… so tight

thank you my friend, for being my light.

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