
music is good

most enjoyable six shows of all time?
a. prince
b. metallica
c. poison
d. neil diamond
e. james brown
f. beastie boys

last local show you caught?
pretty sure it was a mudkids at spin

best place to see a local show in your town?
i dont see many... i like spin and radio radio is kinda snazzed.

first concert tshirt you bought?
billy joel - stormfront

favorite concert-goin' buddy?
depends what city im in. jesse, deb, erin...

general admission or seated gig?
love ga shows, but my tolerance for fights and crowd surfing is thinning. if im seeing a show more than once, i ga it the first show and seat it the rest

worst band you've seen live?
karma to burn. people actually threw their cds back at them

band you'd hop in the car and drive hours to see?
several. if its good, i'll drive. secret resistance in nyc was the last one i believe

do you listen to the radio still?
i do. hoping there will be something amazing on.... stiiiiilll hoping.

do you still make (for lack of better word) mixedtapes?
maaan i miss the cassette player in the truck! ive got all sorts of jumbled up cds that get tossed in now of older stuff and rusty radio.

what about vinyl - still spinnin' it?
oh hecky yeah.

do you hit up the merch table in the back of the room?
rarely. not since echobrain at the galaxy a few years back

favorite place ever to catch a live show?
the intersection in grand rapids

who do you wish you would have caught live that isnt still touring?
ooo long list. queen, alice in chains, coltrane, dangerman, lionel hampton, max roach, boomtown rats...

what makes you say "that was a great show!" ?
too many factors... presence, venue, sound...

in the car - radio? mp3? cds? 8track?
short trip - radio
long trip - ipod
in a mood - cds

all-day festival show or regular show?
it takes a lot to drag me to a festival show now. by the end of the day, i can't deal with the heat-exhausted buffoons and trashed teenagers unless its a gig i reaaaally want to see

most you've spent on tickets? for what show?
metallica millennium show and woodstock '99 were both up there

in today's world - whats your ideal price for a concert ticket?
i like it simple. i just want to experience music. i can do with out all the flare and who-ha. i get that the crew gets paid. hm... shot in the dark - lets go forty. not the 80/90/over 100 that they are now for the big guns. .

guilty pleasure live show?
poison for sure.

are you that guy?
ha! gutter is a tool.

what shows have you seen over and over and over?
metallica, rob zombie, pfunk, godsmack, g.love, poison, bob seger

favorite music quotes?
a. "where words fail, music speaks" Hans Christian Andersen

b. "I always tell the girls, never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. You never get hurt, you always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit your friends." penny lane; almost famous

c. "A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence." Leopold Stokowski

two random not-so-well known songs you dig?
a. the hoodooin' of miss fannie deberry - kenny rogers
b. my boomerang won't come back - charlie drake

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna borrow the Leopold Stokowski quote...that's brilliant